Hi, I'm Stephens Xu, somewhat of a dreamer, technology enthusiast. I'm currently learning web development from Jesse Farmer and his CodeUnion. I graduated BA from University of California-Berkeley, in previous career I worked in Sales & Trading. After a string of life-changing events, I came to realize that my passion and future lies with Technology. Why? Because I want to be a builder, to make a difference in our world. As a start, I built Couchfoodie.io; a platform that allows people to socialize with cooking.
Email me! stephensxub@gmail.com
- Sep 29, 2014 My craziest bug
- Jul 27, 2014 If I'm to hire an engineer, I want the person to......
- Jul 6, 2014 Pairing and feedbacks
- Jul 6, 2014 Client-Server Model
- Jun 28, 2014 What I care about
- Jun 22, 2014 Stereotype Threat
- Jun 22, 2014 Variable Scope in Ruby
- Jun 14, 2014 Thoughts on Pair-Programming
- Jun 8, 2014 Computers are still too stupid!
- Jun 8, 2014 Object Oriented Programming VS. Procedural Programming
- May 29, 2014 What is Concrete Random Thinking Style?
- May 29, 2014 Why is JavaScript popular? What's good and bad about it?
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