JavaScript is being called the Language of The Web. It is most commonly used to write scrips that are embedded in HTML pages and interact with Document Object Model. In its core, JavaScript made webpages much richer and more engaging with users, allowing users to make different interactions with websites. The popularity of HTML5 technology pushed JavaScript popularity dramatically. In the modern age of Web 2.0 and beyond, websites are no longer static, but more lively in term of both visual presentation and functionality. Since JavaScript is the only language so far that is adopted across all different browsers, it became extremely popular among web developers. As a programming language, JavaScript is vast because the functioins are not required to be compiled, it is interpreted and run immediatly by the browser. It is relatively simple to learn and implement. JavaScript also integrete nicely with a variety of frame-works, languages and used in different applications. In short, it is popular, useful and “cool”.

So what are the limitations of JavaScript? For one, since it is client side language, security is hard to keep. It is relatively easy for attackers to exploite user’s browsing experience by implementing malicious code or site on user’s computer. Also, sometimes the rich functions of JavaScript could be too annoying for some users who might just be simply trying to read a clean HTML page.

With that said, is JavaScript good or bad? Well, that’s really a personaly judgment call for yourself. I guess for every technology and programming language there is always strenghths and short comings. I am also a believer that, at least for the near future, there isn’t a “universal” language that can be good at all applications. Some programming language is specailly tailored to optimize a particular technology. So at the end of day the selection of language really depends on what we are trying to achieve.

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