Couple weeks ago I took an online exam to test my learning style. My result was Concrete Random, and the description is shockingly accurate. According to test results, Concrete Random thinkers like experimenting to find answers, take risks, use their intuition and solves problems independently. They learn best when they are able to use trial-and-error approaches, able to compete with others and given the opportunity to work through the problems by themselves. Concrete Random thinkers don’t work well with restrictions and limitations, formal reports, routines, re-doing anything once it’s done, keeping detailed records, showing how they got an answer, choosing only one answer and having no options.

The above description almost apply to me perfectly. I enjoyed a lot while I was learning Test Driven Development, because it really allowed me to apply my strenghth, to be able to test out different ideas using trial-and-error. I struggled the most when I was asked to write psuedo code, because my thinking process is not very organized, many ideas and inspiration comes to me during the process. So it’s difficult for me to outline my entire code structure before any real code have been written. I have also struggled when I was required to read long tutorials before experimenting myself. I believe I should practice a more organzied thinking process better, and train my brain to have traits from Concrete Sequential, so I can be more ordered, have more logical sequence and be better at following directions and predictability.

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